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What You’ll Discover in Jason Fladlien – Murder The Objection
Jason Fladlien – Murder The Objection
To All Entrepreneurs, Marketers, and Business Owners…
How to blow up? The One of the biggest roadblocks between you and massive profits
If, After ¼ Billion In Sales And 150,000+ Customers I Had To Do It All Over Again, I’d Start With This… Weirdly, It’s The It’s the easiest skill of them all!
Selling $250 Million Of Products to 150,000+ Customers In 131 Countries Has Taught Me This…
Many people will agree that selling does not rank very high on their list of priorities.
But to be successful in business or life !)… you have to put up your big boy or girl pants and sell as much as you can and then some – because, as you know…
There is no progress until something is sold!
So here’s my promise to you.
First, I’ll turn selling from a chore into something you’ll have fun with. Selling will no longer be a dirty word uttered in quiet desperation… instead you’ll want to do it, knowing full well that you’re positively adding to this world.
Then, I’ll make people want to buy from you. I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom and I’ll clear the road for you and lay a red carpet on it for you to walk on into that kingdom. In other words, I’ll make selling EASY and FUN for you.
So no matter what business you’re in, you’re going to experience a huge boost in sales if you’re already making some… and if you’re not (yet!) You will most likely start to see some. If you take action, that is.
This will improve your life even if it is not the case that you start a business.
Like it or not, our everyday lives consist of selling something to somebody… or selling someone on an idea… or selling them on a different version of themselves.
Just ask any parent who’s tried to get a child to clean up their room, complete their homework and go to sleep on time. Full time sales job!)
The biggest part of making a sale is dealing with your customers’ objections – or preventing them from occurring in the first place.
First things first…
Why most marketeers aren’t seeing success and will probably never do (Ouch!)
You might not want to hear this. Interestingly, very few people like it.
But deep down inside, you’ll know it’s the truth – and no matter how you feel about it, ignoring this will mean your blood, sweat and tears spent on your business goes down the drain.
Let’s get into it.
The majority of marketers are affected by at least one problem:
Selling just doesn’t feel right so you don’t do it… or worse, subconsciously sabotage yourself when you try to do it. Even though you may not be able to do it, Working long hours is not recommended. nothing really happens in your online business – or perhaps even in your life (because remember – we’re selling all the time!)
You can’t seem to get any traction. Somehow, you don’t feel able to connect to your audience. Somehow, people on your list just don’t seem to stick. So you’re not making sales because there’s no people on your list… and there’s no people on your list because you’re not making sales – at the very least, on the idea that they should stay on your list.
You’re taking a chance in your marketing It’s a mistake to use the word “way too often”. You may have a vague notion of what your prospective customers will object to and so address this in your marketing materials. You don’t know that you have to dig deeper – what to speak of knowing how to do it.
Would you agree that your business would soar to new heights if you could solve all these problems in one go? Yes. By the time we’re done here…
You’re going to be able to all but eliminate the role of chance in your business, make almost any system or approach work (no more shiny object syndrome!), and laugh at seismic global events – because you’ll have the skill that will keep the lights on whatever happens.
Does that sound good? So here’s what we’re going to do.
How to IMMEDIATELY DOUBLE, TRIPLE, QUADRUPLE, OR 10X+ your sales and make your audience eager to hear from you
What we’re going to focus on is eliminating customer objections to anything you might want to sell.
Or as I like to say… We will be destroying the objections. You heard me. I don’t like to handle objections, I don’t like dealing with objections, I even dislike eliminating them. I want them to be dealt with as quickly and forcefully as possible.
Once you do that…
If you’re an entrepreneur, business owner or marketer, your sales will double, triple, quadruple, 10x and beyond… as people won’t be able to find reasons to say no to you and will have all the reasons in the world to say YES as they open up their wallet.
By the way, it doesn’t matter what exactly you sell. Amazon, infoproducts, services, coaching, ecommerce… we’re dealing with sales here. A sale is still a sales.
The The amount of traffic that you receive will also increase. As your audience will love what you have to say and how it is said. You’ll be able create environments that make them feel heard and understood.
The best part is you’ll do it genuinely. This is not a game of manipulating anyone.
Or perhaps you’re a copywriter. Now, you’re in for a treat as you’ll discover how to eliminate sales objections every other copywriter will miss… and your clients will notice!
Even if you’re none of the above yet… this is kind of a must-Have training for anyone who wants to sell anything, even if it’s just to convince your kids to tidy up their room without being asked.
Why is it so effective for virtually everything you do online?
You will have a natural feeling of selling. Selling will feel like second nature. No longer will you be able to sell your products the head… but from the heart. Because you’ll know it’s the right thing to do for your prospects.
You will gain massive traction quicker than those fat tires on the back wheels a drag racing car. You will be in demand. Your list will expand. Even better, your open rates and click through rates will increase!
You will no longer be taking chances when you’re selling. Instead, you’ll aim straight for the bullseye, hitting your audience’s needs with eerie accuracy – and you’ll help them solve their problems while cashing fatter and fatter checks.
Here’s Just a Small Taste Of What You’re Going To Discover…
The The 10/80/10 segmentation theory This 1) allows you to make immediate sales, 2) helps you target the right type of customers, and 3) keeps you away from trouble.-Wasters who will never buy!
Eye-Opening frame changes will help you remove internal obstacles that are preventing you from successfully marketing and selling
Even the most well-targeted audience can say no 99.8% of time (if you don’t do this little thing I’ll show you on day 1)
The “Hot Model” Type of Close that can be either a huge blunder… or catapult your income into the next tax bracket! (Personally, I love paying more in taxes… because it means I made more money!)
Why price isn’t the main objection, even though Tom, Dick and Harry all think it is. You’ll discover Some of these tactics can be used without mentioning the price.
You’re getting excited, aren’t you? So far, I’ve covered only a tiny sliver of what awaits you inside these recordings. There’s a lot more inside! I want you to pay Attention to bullet 2 here, by the way…
93.7% of the audience didn’t buy during the biggest launch in internet marketing ever – so even if you’re competing with the big dogs, I’ll show you ways to get to profitable subsegments of the audience that they walked by blindly!
“The Drowning Prospect” You can also contact us by clicking here. You will be able to sell for hours and still make money.
How can my emails be so long, yet I ensure that no word is missed? Oh and you’ll also discover why I double down on this in markets where my competition is being ULTRA-Words are stingy!
Multiplication of the number of-Million dollar webinar insight I learned through a simple blunder.
Your business and income will grow if you do. – and how my company, Rapid Crush, Inc. and I got from low ticket infoproducts to a $9.8 million dollar affiliate promotion… to a $57 million dollar, record breaking launch. Most people will want to copy this… very few will be able to (but that might include you!)
Oh, but we’re just getting started here.
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