What You’ll Discover in Jeff J Hunter Social Copy Secrets
(Available for download within 24 hours-48 hours.)Since 2015, I’ve had my team analyze EVERY single Facebook post that we’ve done for my brands, my clients brands, and some of the top influencers online.
Jeff J Hunter – Social Copy Secrets
Social media is an easy way to get your message out there.
…. is the question. Is your audience actually able to SEE you?
Every day, people log into social networks like Facebook & Linkedin and they’re shown a “post” Check out their news feed.
However, …. they may not see your post.
If you’re reading this right now, you want to build your personal brand. Only problem is…
You don’t know where to start or not getting the results you want.
Trust me, it’s true. The only thing that has kept me occupied for months was my wife. “prospects” My friends and family engaged with my content.
Although I appreciate their efforts in trying to get me proof of social status, I did not make any sales.
I also spent hours upon hours trying to create content…burning the midnight oil on a regular basis…
Only to get zero engagement… maybe a few likes, if I was fortunate.
I knew the importance and value of a personal brand but was not able to articulate it.
Download it immediately Jeff J Hunter – Social Copy Secrets
It was frustrating because of all the big.-All wig influencers were screaming “Build a personal brand! Build a personal brand!”
But that’s easier said than done. Especially because most of those influencers experienced a LUCKY spark that generated virality.
This virality caused a snowball effect that they could capitalize on. This resulted in thousands, if not millions, of followers.
That comes with money and influence. So it’s easy for those guys to say BUILD A PERSONAL BRAND OR DIE.
Social Copy Secrets This was the result of HUNDREDS upon hours of research on the TOP performing posts on social media …. Period.
My team has been analysing every Facebook post since 2015 for both my brands and those of my clients. We also have some top influencers on the internet.
Below are some examples of data:
We have all the information you need about the posts
How many engagement posts get (likes and comments, as well as shares)
What kind of post (Long form, short form, picture, video, polls, FB live, etc.)
How many sales (YES, most of the posts were used for selling products or services).
It’s safe for me to say that I’ve understood social media well after more than 10,000 ORGANIC posts (meaning not paid) on Facebook and Linkedin “algorithms”.
I found exactly what type of content performs best.
The truth is The truth is… “Social Copy Secrets” Internal training for my own copywriting staff for my Branding Agency, (BrandedMedia.io).
But, one of my team members said it after I trained them. “this is really good, you should sell this!”
….. “Social Copy Secrets” The birth of the first child.
Archive: https://archive.is/hCdCy
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