What You’ll Discover in Jeff Paul How To Make A Surgeon’s Income Being A Consultant
If you’re like many of my friends, you may be searching for the perfect blend of extra income and personal satisfaction but without the extra hard work…. File Size: 88.1MB
Jeff Paul – How To Make A Surgeon’s Income Being A Consultant
“At Last, The Totally Risk Free
Way For Entrepreneurs Like
It is possible to To Make Massive sums of money
Without Ever Leaving Home!”
“How To Make A Surgeon’s Income As A Home-Based Business
Consultant (After All It’s Not Brain Surgery) Is The Easy Way To Enjoy
You Can Make $500-$1,000 an Hour with Complete Risk.
$10,000-$20,000 A Month From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!”
If you’re like many of my friends, you may be searching for the perfect blend of extra income and personal satisfaction but without the extra hard work. If you’re becoming frustrated in the search for that Ideal Home Business…or that perfect additional Profit Center for your current business, I may have the perfect solution for you.
Get your instant download Jeff Paul – How To Make A Surgeon’s Income Being A Consultant
Get advice and make money!
“How To Make A Surgeon’s Income As A Home Based Business Consultant (After All It’s Not Brain Surgery)” gives you everything you’ll ever need to start and run you very own successful Home Business, and still have the time you need to spend with your family. Better time too…because there’ll be extra cash for goofing off and taking vacations. You’ll have enough money to pay for your retirement and school expenses. “extras.”
I’ll show you all you need to know. No special skills are required.
I’ve never made less than $100,000.00 a year, part-Time, working from home as a consultant. I believe most people can do the exact same thing as I do, and have the same potential if they make the effort.
Today’s individuals And businesses continue to show their need, desire, demand and willingness to pay for “advice” and “specialized, expert assistance.” In today’s time crunched world, there may never be a better time to start as a home based business consultant.
You’ll find consulting is a near-Perfect business. You have enormous freedom…. you can operate with virtually no overhead, even from home if you choose….and it is relatively easy to “bill” At least $1,000.00 per day There are thousands upon thousands of possible industries, so there is a good chance that you have some combination education, practical knowledge and credibility. “packaged” The right SYSTEM can be used to sell consulting services in a particular market. (Among my friends and clients who’ve become successful consultants, there is a carpet cleaner, a computer operator, a volleyball coach and the list goes on).
Why are some people interested in home-based business consulting?
The Easiest Way To Make There are huge amounts of cash that others have, but not enough. To
You can be a slave every day fighting in the rat race To Make A How can you live a modest life?
It’s interesting to see how one consultant can make $250,000.00 per annum and another barely makes it above the poverty level of $20,000. If you’ve ever wondered that yourself, I do have the answer. In fact, there’s more than one answer, but the main one is that it is absolutely critical, to have a SYSTEM that you can master, in order to hit high income levels in Home Based Business Consulting.
After years of people asking me how I’ve built my consulting business and helped others to build theirs, I decided to create a Course; actually a simple SYSTEM of how I do it.
Who is this SYSTEM for?
Experienced consultants will find this a good addition to what they might be doing now and will certainly discover a strategy new to them – many experience a major income explosion when adding this SYSTEM to their toolbox. A Home-Based Business for people who are just starting out. Consultant They will find that this is almost as good as having guaranteed success for their new business.
This Course is open to anyone who wants it. Anyone who is already a consultant and wants to increase their income by giving business and marketing advice. Anybody interested in making $500 to 1,000 a day. “part-time”. Many professionals such as computer specialists, executives, and other professionals make a lot of money in the consulting industry.
In fact, I’m so confident you can do the same.
Here’s what you get with…
“How To Make A Surgeon’s Income As
A Home-Based Business Consultant
(After All, It’s Not Brain Surgery!)
This Course includes two CD’s giving an incredible grounding in marketing that every business owner needs. This course covers questions and answers.-Strategy and best marketing strategies for a business. It comes with a 157 page manual.
The SYSTEM comprises:
* How To make more money online but still have the time to spend with your family, and not have to deal traffic or corporate bullshit.
* It will allow you to give your family the higher standard of living you’ve been wanting for them!
* A Easy to understand and detail “how-to” Course on how to set up and do Marketing Checkups at your home.
* You can remove the financial pressures you feel every time you find out the kids need braces, or the brakes go on the car and the first thing you think of is….how much is THIS going to cost me.
* Why a phone based consultation system you do from your home office is the best way to give advice.
* How You can have fewer distractions and less stress.
* You’ll learn how to be more professional and have a higher chance of success.
* How You will be able to repeat your sales.
* An easy side benefit of the SYSTEM that will grow the value of your business.
The result…You’ll grow wealthy.
The Surgeon’s Income also features this incredible bonus…
* Marketing material written by professional, proven copywriters that have sold millions of dollars of products with the sales material they’ve written.
* You won’t have to write any ads or sales letters. There is no tedious copywriting research only to make mistakes. There are no high-priced copywriters who don’t know what they’re doing.
* You’ll have proven tools where most opportunities fall down and fail.
* You’ll get proven ways to get leads and customers.
* You can get started fast in your business.
* This will allow you to recoup you investment quickly.
* In fact, you’ll virtually be out no money at all!
You and your customers will also receive two audio tapes that will help you both market before you speak to them.
* This helps you client be prepared and ready to accept your advice.
* You don’t have to learn everything about marketing on your own.
* Your customers can get a grounding in the mindset from which you’ll be consulting from.
* They will be more receptive to the advice and you won’t have to explain basic concepts to them.
* There will be more time for “meat and potatoes” Your client will appreciate your advice.
* This will get them to listen to you, implement ideas and then come back for more advice.
Download immediately Jeff Paul – How To Make A Surgeon’s Income Being A Consultant
The Surgeon’s Income A questionnaire is used to collect information about potential clients.-lou’s and pretenders.
* This will allow you to only work with those serious about improving their business and more likely to comply with your suggestions. Thus, they see results and will hire you again..* It also keeps you from wasting time giving free advice and keeps you efficient, productive and profitable.
* This is forced time management that will keep your home based business alive and thriving.
Another fantastic byproduct of the How To Make A Surgeon’s Income Program is that you can follow our SYSTEM and record all your consultations with clients. You can then turn these into info products by having your marketing advice transcribed and made into a tape or book. “product.”
* This will boost your future sales and will allow you to make money more than once off of the same work. This is the way to long-term success with tons of cash profits.
* You’ll be able to increases the profits of your business exponentially.
* You’ll know longer be just trading hours for dollars.
* It leverages you into a more profitable business.
* You get a company that can be sold while working less.
You’ll also have a phone script to follow for following up with your leads you generate from the enclosed sales letters.
* This will further qualify the prospect and remind them about your sales letter which boosts response.
* It will have more paying clients coming your way.
* There will be less work for you to do in order to generate clients.
This SYSTEM has many other great components.
* It teaches you how to make your advice more valuable by customizing it.
* You’ll learn to make more money for the same amount of work.
* You’ll have a little item that continues the close, gets a small non-You threaten commitment and keep them moving through the sales process, without doing any work.
* Your deal flow keeps coming.
* You have a line up of waiting clients.
* You spend your time where you make the real money.
* You have an easy-To-use process because you don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to when first talking with the client.
* You’re not caught off guard.
* You don’t look foolish.
* You don’t get discouraged and want to quit.
* There’s a better chance of you succeeding and reaching financial freedom.
* You get a step-By-Step “System” These are the steps to help make this process smooth.
* You don’t have to be nervous about the call because you’ll have a system you follow each time.
You’ll also get a “Real” Consulting report I wrote for a client who paid more than $6,500 per day (6 hours, as I hate working 8-hour days). You get the following report:
* A high priced marketing consultant’s brain in action.
* To see how basic some of the advice is that is given to companies of which they’ll pay over $6,500 a day for.
* Something you can model in your advice as it is relevant for many businesses.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but you get the idea.
You can easily recoup your investment by only having one client. In fact, you’ll be way profitable after only one client.
You won’t have to make financial sacrifices to set up your business. And your family won’t suffer while you’re getting started.
The AVERAGE hourly rate charged by consultants now exceeds $100.00 AN HOUR – and that’s why a good consultant armed with this course can make more money part-Working takes more time than most doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. “Overtime”!
I considered and seriously considered selling the SYSTEM for $1,000.00. However, I decided to lower the price.
Let’s summarize:
“How To Make A Surgeon’s Income As A Home-Based Business Consultant (After All It’s Not Brain Surgery) – This 157-This page manual forms the foundation for the entire program. Everything I’ve talked about is covered in complete detail. Most marketing materials tell you exactly what to do. That’s not the case here. It is not just that you are told what to DO, but you are also given the rationale behind each step. You are also given every step.-By-Step-by-step instructions that will show you exactly how to complete each step.
BONUS #1: Personal Instruction
Even with everything you get, because this information is so new to you, you may still have questions you’d like answered. Here’s a powerful solution.
Two hours of audio tape instruction will be provided to help you learn the basics of running a business. This is the same advice that should be given to every client you work with and most of the ones you’ll give it to, just like you, will have had little or no background in marketing.
You’ll get two full hours of audio tapes featuring just about the best quick start information you could possibly think of.
You get 2 CDs as part of this comprehensive package.
It’s Easy To Get Started
Getting started couldn’t be easier. This business is affordable-It is extremely affordable to build a program. It includes all the bonuses and the complete course manual.
Even though the price is extremely reasonable, here’s what’s really important. If this program was just another set of sales or telemarketing tapes, it wouldn’t matter what the price is.
But if you can get a steady stream of new clients, double or triple your revenues, and continue to grow your business year after year for as long as you’re in business, what is that actually worth to you?
I can’t put an exact dollar figure on it for you – only you can do that. But I can tell you this, at this price, this program could very possibly be the best bargain and the best investment you’ll ever make.
To start your home based business consulting practice or make the one you already have, as profitable as possible, the easiest way to order is below – order online today.
Don’t Settle For Less Than What You Should Be Making
Do something about it today
Now that you know what’s possible, you’ll never again have to struggle to make a decent living even though you deliver excellent services.
Now you can get all the top-quality items.-qualified clients you need to come to you… you can close far more sales without resorting to undignified, high-pressure tactics… you can regain control of your practice so you’re running your business rather than it running you… you can take more vacation time and have more time to spend doing the things you really enjoy.
You can both restore the joy of business and make a handsome profit all at once.
Get your instant download Jeff Paul – How To Make A Surgeon’s Income Being A Consultant
Don’t wait. You can place your order right now by taking a moment. Let’s get started right now on making your home based business a million dollar one!
It’s simple. If you get just one new client using this program, you’ll have covered the entire cost of the program many times over. You could even get one to two new clients each month! The return on investment is huge!
Isn’t it time you started making what you’re truly worth?
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